Friday 7 September 2012


Assalamualaikum dan selamat petang...!!! :)
orite t0day i want t0 write a note about chapter 9. it is to Enabling the Organization - Decision Making.

Decision Making :
Reasons for growth of Decision Making information :
  • people need to analyze large amount of information
  • people must make decisions quickly.
  • people must apply sophisticated analysis techniques, such as modeling and foracasting to make good decisions.
  • people must protect the corporate asset of organizational information.
Model : a simplified representation or abstraction of reality. And IT systems in an enterprise.

Transaction Processing Systems : 
Moving up through the organizational pyramid users move from requiring transactional information to analytical information.

transaction processing systems is the basic business systems that serves the operational level (analysis) in an organization.

Decision Support Systems : 

is the models information to support managers and business professionals during the decision-making process.

Executive Information Systems : 
is a specialized DSS that support senior level executives within the organization.

Digital Dashboard : integrates information from multiple components and present it in a unified display.

Artificial Intelligence : 
Intelligence systems is various commercial applications of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is simulates human intelligence such as the ability to reason and learn.
4 categories of AI : expert system, neural network, genetic algorithm and intelligent agent.

Data Mining : 
Data minign software includes many forms of AI such as neural networks and expert systems.

ends from chapter 9.
thank y0u. :)

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