f0r this time, i'll write s0me n0te for chapter 4 : Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives.
efficiency IT metric - measures the performance of the IT system.
common types of efficiency IT metrics : throughput, transacti0n speed, system availability, information accurancy, web traffic and resp0nse time.
effectiveness IT metric - measures the impact IT has on business processes and activities.
types of effectiveness IT metrics : usability, customer satisfaction, conversion rates and financial.
benchmarking - a process of continuously measuring system results comparing those results to optimal system performance.
metrics for strategic initiatives :
- website metrics - abandoned registration, abandoned shopping chart, click-through, conversion rate, cost-per-thousand (CPM), page exposure, total hits and unique visitors.
- supply chain management (SCM) metrics - back order, customer order promised cycle time, customer order actual cycle time, inventory replenishment cycle time and inventory turns (inventory turnover).
- customer relationship management (CRM) metrics - sales metrics, service metrics and marketing metrics.
- business process reengineering (BPR) metrics and enterprise resource planning (ERP) metrics - the balanced scorecard enables organizations to measure and manage strategic initiatives. - balanced scorecard is a management system.
only this for chapter 4, thanks for reading....!!!!!!! enj0y it. :)